Products & Services
We have created three levels of membership to give our members maximum flexibility to get acquainted with our Association and learn about us and our Business Development Systems at the speed they are ready for.
Silver Associate Membership ($14.95 mo.)
This is the basic level of membership but gives a members specific content through 3 expert monthly Newsletters and key Special Reports on how to grow and expand your business or professional practice. At this level, a member receives:
- Silver Certificate of Membership, suitable for framing, for your office
- CelebrityExpert® Insider Newsletter monthly edition containing important information about marketing, business forecasts, leading trends and new ideas you can use in your business
- NAEWS Monthly Newsletter for Experts, Writers and Speakers showing media, marketing and business development ideas for Experts, Writers and Speakers
- National Academy of Best-Selling Authors® Newsletter (monthly)
- America’s PremiereExperts® Membership Listing on the website and member directory
- America’s PremiereExperts® Certificate, suitable for framing, for your office
- Advanced Opportunity Alerts to Media, Writing and Speaking Opportunities
- Bonus Special Expert Reports, or Videos offering the latest in-depth discussion on topics relating to growing your business with Brand and Marketing Strategies online and offline: 6 per year minimum.
Gold Level Association Membership ($97 per month)
This membership is designed to offer specific training to members who are ready to take their business or professional practice to the next level. It includes all Silver Associate benefits above except the Silver certificate plus…
- All payments made at this level may be applied as a full credit towards your next book, TV show, or Big Print Publication you want to get involved in that is offered through the Association or affiliate, at your election
- Gold Level NAEWS Membership Certificate, suitable for framing, for your office
- You will get a PowerTalk CD of the month containing interviews and commentary of Top Experts around the world with actionable information
- Business Development Mastery 24/7 Gold Level membership site digital access with Brian Tracy, Michael Gerber, Tom Hopkins, Nick Nanton, JW Dicks, Greg Rollett, and Lindsay Dicks ($1500 Value) Special Bonus Limited Time: New Members get a complete set of the hard copy of the course materials and CD’s sent direct to you!
- Ultimate Lead Generation System, Dan Kennedy, JW Dicks and the Kennedy Titanium MasterMind Members share their Best Secrets for Getting new clients in an exclusive CD set. ($1997+ Value) 24/7 Gold Level membership site digital access. Special Bonus Limited Time: New Members get a complete set of hard copy course materials and CD’s sent direct to you!
- Member and “ Feature Columnist” recognition in America’s PremiereExperts® (upon submission and acceptance of your article)
- America’s PremiereExperts® Columnist Certificate after your first article completed (upon acceptance)
- Press Release announcing your Gold membership in NAEWS and 2nd PR announcing America’s PremiereExperts® Membership and “Featured Columnist” title syndicated online for maximum exposure
- CelebrityExpert® Insider Newsletter (printed edition). The Premiere industry monthly newsletter of Business Brand and Wealth Building ideas from JW, Nick, Lindsay and Greg, Wayne and Special Celebrity Guest such as Strategic Coach® Dan Sullivan, Direct Mail Expert Craig Simpson and more
- The CelebrityExpert® Resource Directory containing our best resources for Expert products and Services to build your business
- CelebrityPress® Private Library containing over 1500 Experts’ Special Reports and Best-Selling chapters giving you access to some of the brightest minds in the country including Brian Tracy, Dan Kennedy, Jack Canfield, Tom Hopkins, Kevin Harrington, Mari Smith, Michael Gerber, and many more! ($1997 value)
- Autographed copy of our Wall St. Journal Best-Seller, Story-Selling™ and Amazon Best-Seller, Celebrity Branding You®
Diamond Tele-Coaching Membership ($197 per month)
This level is for serious members who want not only key information but coaching on how to implement at a higher level and be able to ask questions of our experienced trainers and Coaches.
- This membership Level includes All Gold and Silver Services above Except the Gold and Silver Certificates, ($5494 value in special reports and private recordings alone!) plus;
- All payments made at this level may be applied as a full credit towards your next book, TV show, or Big Print Publication at your election
- Diamond Level Certificate of Membership suitable for framing and press release
- Live Monthly Diamond GroupTele-Coaching Conferences with Greg Rollett on Master Marketing Strategy plus Q&A at the end of each session ($6,000 value)
- 2 additional Private Tele-Coaching Sessions (Up to 40 min. per call) Coaching certificates used at your discretion when needed within the year to make sure your marketing is giving you maximum return (annual minimum value $1,000) one each of the following and scheduled by appointment:
- 1 Annual Private Website Review
- 1 Annual SEO Review
- Annual Diamond Only Networking Event & Hollywood Bash at the National Academy of Best Selling Authors® Summit and Golden Gala (prior to the main reception)
- Special pricing to attend (without Quilly award) the annual National Academy of Best Selling Authors® Summit and Golden Gala (Only $147 per month additional fee)
- Digital DNA Newsletter and Emails from Lindsay Dicks re new Web and SEO strategies to boost your online position.
- Media Alerts with Priority invitation opportunities to TV shows, Best-Selling books, National Print Publications, Times Square Today Show, Hollywood Live, University Speaking and Limited Edition Events on a space available basis.
- First Option Invitation to be a Producer or Executive Producer of potential Award winning Documentaries (added fee required).
- First Option Invitation to Mission For Good trips including a personal Sizzle Reel commemorating your involvement (additional fee required).
The below items are not part of the Association levels but you can see how they will fit in. Xgroup gets Diamond level. The private client programs have not been completed. One off X-Group meetings do not get Diamond.
X-Group MasterMind Experience
This membership level is restricted to those members who desire to work on their business and interested in achieving exponential growth and expansion of their business or professional practice through concentrated training with proven thought leaders and mentors. This Membership level includes all Silver, Gold, and Diamond Membership benefits above included, $5,494 Value in Special Reports and Private Recordings plus $7,000 of Value in Tele-Coaching Appointments plus special Diamond Member Benefits and Access!
The cost of this level is a $3k initiation fee plus $997 per month for 12 months) or $1497 monthly for 12 months. One-year auto renewal after that for only $997 per month for the entire year. You can cancel at anytime after the first year with 30 days notice.
- 3 two day Mastermind Experiences. The first day is with one or more Celebrity Guest Experts or special events like a tour of Google or Tesla. Second day is group meeting MasterMind and coaching with Nick Nanton, JW Dicks, Greg Rollett, Lindsay Dicks, and Wayne Harris. A complete brochure is available on request
- Individual Sizzle reels of you filmed at each event, professionally edited to use in your marketing and delivered before the next event. (3 Sizzle Reel value alone $22,500).
- A minimum of 1 of your presentations to the Group filmed and professionally edited in HD to use in your marketing. (Value $3500+).
Private Client Consulting Services
Private Media Day (information on request)
Business Development Consulting Day (information on request)
Story-Selling Documentary Client (information on request)
Business Development Ongoing Client (information on request)
Best-Selling Author® Platform Development (information on request)