NAEWS offers coaching options for any business owner who is ready to elevate to the next level, from group sessions to one-on-one mentoring.
NAEWS was founded in 2013 by Nick Nanton, Esq. and JW Dicks, Esq, both attorneys by trade. More importantly, they are also, serial entrepreneurs who believe in a common philosophy that business is really about building relationships and creating value with a core group of people. This core group becomes your clients and customers because they believe in your product or service and make a connection with you as the person they want to do business with.
The foundational belief is that, “people buy people”, and they buy from people they know, like and trust. Once this relationship is established it can successfully grow into a symbiotic relationship of mutual trust, each helping the other.
To make this connection in any field requires a Business and Media Platform where the service provider connects with the client or customer in an ongoing dialogue for mutual benefit. In today’s world, that means that a successful business, entrepreneur, or professional connects through content provided by the provider that the customer is interested in.
The Platform of connection can take many forms such as a blog, website, book, newsletter, TV show, podcast, special reports, seminars and a changing array of other possibilities. The more the provider supplies great content with answers about what the customer is looking for, the greater chance a lasting connection can be made. The customer becomes a fan of the provider and as the connection becomes stronger, the customer actually helps bring others into the circle.
This is the connection between the expert and the client…
Dicks and Nanton have explained the power and growth of this expert/client connection in three of their Best-Selling books, Celebrity Branding You®, Story-Selling™ and Mission-Driven™ Entrepreneurship.
In 2010 they formed the National Academy of Best-Selling Authors® and were awarded the trademark to Certify Best-Selling Authors by the United States Patent and Trademark office. In 2013 they formed the National Association of Experts, Writers and Speakers to recognize the growth of these fields and to service the needs of its members and the public they serve. NAEWS also awards experts writers and speakers with the EXPY® award to commemorate special achievements in each field.